Friday, March 20, 2020

Education Oriented Quotes

Education Oriented Quotes 

Education Oriented Quotes
Education Oriented Quotes

"In my whole life, I have known no wise people
(over a broad subject matter area) who did not 
read all the time - none. Zero."
- Education Oriented Quotes
By Charlie Munger

Future Oriented Quotes

Future Oriented Quotes 

Future Oriented Quotes
Future Oriented Quotes

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each
one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have
really worked, is mine.
- Future Oriented Quotes
By Nikola Tesla

Spiritual inspiration for the day

Spiritual inspiration for the day 

Spiritual inspiration for the day
Spiritual inspiration for the day

As we keeps discovering our world science blends
with spirituality and accepts we must believe in order to see.
- Spiritual inspiration for the day

Life Oriented Quotes

Life Oriented Quotes 

Life Oriented Quotes
Life Oriented Quotes

Success does not lie in "Results"
But in "Efforts", "Being" the best
is not so important, "Doing" the best
is all that matters...
- Life Oriented Quotes